The Industry Leader in
Truck Terminal Development
Why Choose Truck Terminal Properties?
Short-Term / Flexible – Trucking companies often contend with significant swings in shipping volume due to customers’ growth or contraction, the seasonal nature of businesses and/or economic cycles. It is not financially prudent to maintain year-round truck/trailer parking to accommodate projected peak needs. In order to keep costs down and minimize long-term commitments, Truck Terminal Properties provides the flexibility of renting space on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. This avoids substantial investment and the inherent risk involved in acquiring and developing real estate and allows carriers to focus on what they do well – transportation.
Long-Term – When volumes are more predictable or otherwise justify multi-year leases, TTP also offers committed, long-term solutions. Dedicated sites can include office space and security.
Where – We currently have locations in Los Angeles, Montebello, South Gate, Vernon, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego.
Business Model – Although we own and operate most company locations, we have also worked with property owners on a joint venture basis. We are always looking to expand our real estate portfolio and self-fund most transactions.